Calm Star Hypnotherapy_Ilkley_Online_therapy room
The Grove Counselling & Psychotherapy Practice Logo_Calm Star Hypnotherapy



07724 310178

Please allow 24 hours for a response. In busy times this may take a little longer but please be patient and I will get back to you about your enquiry.


Online - *Worldwide

Sessions available @ The Grove, (Counselling & Psychotherapy Practice) - 62 The Grove, Ilkley, West Yorkshire,

LS29 9PA




Monday and Tuesday 9am - 5pm, Thursday 8am - 2pm

Sessions available @ The Grove, Ilkley:

Friday 8am - 2pm

ALL Sessions must be booked in advance by contacting myself. Thank you.

Facebook: Calmstarhypnotherapy

If you’re in a crisis then please reach out for help, you may find help at the following resources:

The Samaritans (UK based): 116 123 - from any phone - open 24 hours.

Your GP Practice - Your doctor within certain hours.

A&E Departments.

*Clients outside of the UK, I advise that I am based in the UK and any claims will fall under UK jurisdiction.